Saturday, December 24, 2011
Merry Christmas from the Bear Family to Your Family!
Wednesday, December 14, 2011
My Christmas Mantel
There is a "cutting board" with a sleeping Christmas mouse tole painted on it, from a tole painting class I took with my dad when we lived in Okinawa.
There is a ceramic snowman that was given to me as a gift from my sister-in-law.
Wednesday, December 7, 2011
"Butterfly, Get Away From Me..."
Friday, December 2, 2011
Winner of the Jesus Storybook Bible
Tuesday, November 29, 2011
Gingerbread Spice Tea
Monday, November 21, 2011
Black Friday Sale in my Etsy Shop
Tuesday, November 15, 2011
A Fun New Venture -- Hair Accessories
Monday, November 14, 2011
Make Your Spaghetti Better
Thursday, November 10, 2011
Did you Burn Yourself -- Honey?
Wednesday, November 9, 2011
Thursday, October 27, 2011
Think Before You Speak
Monday, October 24, 2011
Trader Joe's Brings us a New Treat
Saturday, October 22, 2011
Win Your Own Copy of The Jesus Storybook Bible
Want to WIN one? We're going to give one away! All you have to do is go "Like" the Jesus Storybook Bible page on Facebook, and then leave a comment below, letting me know that you "liked" them, AND in the SAME comment, let me know what you would do with the Jesus Storybook Bible if you win.
Oh, and feel free to say hello to the people over at the Jesus Storybook Bible page on some love on their wall! :-) Let them know that you're a new fan!
Harvest Party Mix
Thursday, October 20, 2011
I Got a New Backdrop
Friday, October 14, 2011
Please May I Come In?
Tuesday, October 11, 2011
Go To Dinners
Wednesday, September 28, 2011
Shrimp Tacos For Dinner Tonight
Tuesday, September 27, 2011
Results of My First Newborn Photo Shoot
Monday, September 19, 2011
My First Newborn Photo Shoot
Saturday, September 17, 2011
I Need Help Deciding...
The dresses will be similar to this one, but possibly with three little "tuxedo" ruffles, instead of just one, like what is shown:
What do you think? I would appreciate your input!
Mama Bear
Thursday, September 15, 2011
52 Weeks of Mail
I do!!!
Do you find it difficult to stay in touch with people because of your busy life?
I do!!!
Here is a way to keep in touch with your friends and loved ones in an intentional way.
52 Weeks of Mail is designed to encourage people to commit to sending at LEAST one card or letter a week, for the next year! 52 Weeks of Mail starts on October 9th, 2011 and goes through October 7th, 2012. We are asking that you commit to doing this, and sticking with it!
Please feel free to blog about this, Tweet about it, post it on Facebook, and just spread the word as far as you can! We have a Facebook page, and we are trying to get 1000 likes by the end of September. Please help us reach this goal by letting your friends know about 52 Weeks of Mail.
If you are looking for some beautiful handmade cards to send, please visit and check out the abundance of offerings from the EtsyGreetingsTeam!
Mama Bear
Wednesday, September 14, 2011
Going to the Dentist
I went to the dentist on Tuesday to get a cleaning and 3 fillings. I was trying to be a big girl about it and thought I could just do the nitrous oxide (laughing gas) thing, and all would go well. HA! No such thing! The dentist numbed my gums while I breathed heavy and cried. That was of course, after the x-rays and the polishing. Then she gave the shots. My right side went all tingly and I felt like I was going to shake right out of the chair. When they took my blood pressure before they would let me leave the office, it was 140/93 or something like that. Normally, I run about 113/70.
Apparently, I can not get through a dentist appointment without tears, but at least I have a WONDERFUL and VERY sympathetic dentist (unlike my LAST dentist....UGH with a double UGH!). She asked me what I wanted to do. I told her that I would try the nitrous oxide, but my nose was too stuffy from crying and all of the anxiety-producing mucous. Sorry. I know. TMI. But it's true! And you have to breathe through your nose to get the gas. But I couldn't. Now I have to come back with my hubby, who can drive me to and from my appointment, AND make payment to the dentist office. I guess if you're taking an oral sedative, you can't pay for your visit. Which makes me giggle. :-)
So, next month, I will be paying nearly $200 more, so that I can not remember anything about getting three cavities filled. To me, it's TOTALLY worth it!
How are you with the dentist? What helps you relax? Are you like me? Or is it a walk in the park for you?
Hey, have a blessed day!
Mama Bear
Sunday, September 11, 2011
I can remember being at work that day, constantly wandering into the break room to watch the unfolding events on TV. It is a day I will never forget. I don't personally know anyone who lost someone on that day, but I know that my God personally knows and loves each one who was lost and each family member who lost a loved one. He is a sovereign God, and I praise Him for that.
Please remember to continue to pray for the families who lost loved ones, but also for those who do not know Christ. They need the cross, they need the Gospel, they need Christ.
God Bless,
Mama Bear
Saturday, September 10, 2011
A Birthday Celebration
A Very Happy 2nd Birthday to our Little Princess Diva Bear.
Yesterday was actually her birthday, but today we are having her party.
We prayed for this baby, and put our application in, in August 2009 to get a baby girl to adopt through foster care. In October of 2009, we got a call from our caseworker, saying they had a baby who wasn't yet two months old (born 09-09-09, sharing her birthday with my father-in-law), whose birth mom was pretty young and in foster care herself. Would we be interested in taking the baby, knowing that she could potentially end up going back with birth mom? We said "Absolutely!". We left it in God's hands, all the while praying that we would be picked out of the 12 families who were put forth as possible families for this precious little baby.
We were leaving to go to our church's family retreat a week later, when we got a call from our caseworker. She said, "Congratulations!", and I nearly screamed! I was SO giddy and happy and excited, even though we didn't know whether or not we would get to keep her.
But we did get to keep her. Her adoption was finalized on February 14th of this year.
She is a pistol, and smart as a whip. She is tender, and is quick to say "Sorry". She randomly comes up and rubs against me like a little kitty cat and says "I love you". She is full of life, full of energy, full of spunk, full of joy. She loves her brothers. She loves books. She has a little elephant snugly named Ellie, whom she sleeps with nearly every night. She has loads and loads of curls, and she cries every time I do her hair. She asks for a bow (hairbow) every morning when she wakes up. She scrunches her nose when she smiles. She loves Apple Jacks and "salad" (tomatoes and cucumbers). She loves to be rambunctious.
We are so blessed to have this precious little girl as our daughter. We love her and pray that she will come to know God at an early age. We pray that she lives up to her name meanings: Sophia (wisdom) Grace (grace) Angela (messenger of God). We pray that she will develop a gentle and sweet spirit. We pray that she will love those around her and be always ready to tell others about Jesus. We pray that we will be the best parents we can be, always pointing her to the cross. Thank you, God, for blessing us with this little girl.
Mama Bear
Tuesday, September 6, 2011
A Sneak Peek of a Project I'm Working On
Here is a sneak peek.
Sunday, September 4, 2011
A Good Movie to See: Broken Hill
Well, it seems that Netflix has a lot to offer in the way of movies that are decent and have a good storyline. Broken Hill was one that my teenager and I found to watch while Papa Bear was out hunting again this weekend.
Here is the storyline, from IMDB (which we use on a REGULAR basis!):
Tommy, a gifted teenager composer, dreams of being accepted into the famous Sydney Conservatorium of Music. Unfortunately, a good band is hard to find in the middle of Outback Australia - until a strange incident involving flying watermelons leads him to a group of talented prison inmates. Written by H. Rose
No sex. No violence. If there were bad words, I don't remember hearing them.
I would definitely recommend this movie as one to watch as a family (if you have tweens and teens). And if you like this, I think you also might like Forever Strong.
Have a blessed day!
Mama Bear
When Bananas Turn Brown
Got brown bananas? Don't throw them out! Stick them in the freezer!
Yep, brown bananas in the freezer will keep them "good" until you're ready to do some baking with bananas. When you're ready to make bread or pancakes or some other banana-filled goodie, simply take the bananas out, let them thaw, snip off the tops, and just squeeze the banana out into a measuring mess! And they're SO sweet and give so much yummy banana flavor when they're "over-ripe".
Also, if you like bananas in your smoothies, it's ok to put brown bananas in them. From what I understand, the longer fruit ripens, the higher the amount of antioxidants.
So don't let your kids toss their bananas! Use them to their fullest potential!
You'll be happy you did!
Thursday, September 1, 2011
So Proud of Papa Bear!
Wednesday, August 31, 2011
Winkflash Photo Contest: Birthdays!
Here's the catch: I need YOU to help us out by going to vote for our photo. Click on the photo above, and it will take you to, where you can vote for our princess.
Thank you, thank you, THANK YOU!
Mama Bear
A Yummy Little Snack: Duros!
Have you tried these? I first found out about them when my sister in law brought them home from the flea market. You can sprinkle lime juice (or lemon, because that's what you have readily on hand), and chili powder on them. I just use lemon chili powder. They will snap, crackle, and pop a bit when you put them juice on them.
What are they, you ask?
According to Gourmet Sleuth (source of the above photo), they are:
Duros are a Latino snack made of wheat flour and look a bit like a very hard pasta. The traditional shape is a rectangle with grooves but wagon wheel shapes are common too. Typically the duros are deep fried but they can also be microwaved. The prepared duros puff up then can be dipped in salsa or sprinkled with chile lime salt (see Tajin).
Basic Ingredients
Flour, Iodized Salt, Corn Starch, Bicarbonate of Soda, Vegetable Oil and food coloring.
Where can you buy them? I believe Papa Bear got ours at either Lucky or Safeway. You can buy them like pasta and fry them yourself, or you can buy them already fried.
If you try them, let me know what you think!
Mama Bear
Would You Like Some Cheese With That Whine?
I have an almost two year old little girl. She doesn't talk. She whines. Well, not all the time. Part of the time she does talk in very intelligent sentences. Part of the time she sings. Part of the time she yells at the top of her lungs, with excitement. But the rest of the time she whines, and whines, and whines. Lately, she cries over every little thing, and I can't get out of her why she is crying. I don't get it. Except for the fact that she is almost two and she is a girl.
I know that there have been days (no, weeks!) (no, really, MONTHS) where I have been tired and impatient and have yelled at my kids. Or I have whined myself, asking them why they have to do this, or why they did that. I need to pray and ask God to help me stop whining. I have a feeling there will be a big change in Princess Diva Toddler Bear, once there is a big change in me. Our attitudes and emotions affect those around us much more than we think. If we are always whining, complaining, grumpy (read: hormonal), angry, joyless, then our loved ones who live in the same house with us will also do these things. Don't expect them to change, until you are willing to change.
Lord, please work in my heart. Forgive me for my sins of anger, impatience, discontent, selfishness. All of those things cause me to react in ways that are not pleasing to you, and make me look ugly. Please help me to reflect your glory through patience, joy, love, compassion and tenderness. Help me to be selfless. This is one of the biggest things I struggle with, but I know with your help, I can change. I can do ALL things through YOU who gives me the strength. Thank you for your forgiveness and grace in MY life. Please help me to be quick to forgive and show grace in the lives of those I love.
Mama Bear
Tuesday, August 30, 2011
My Fitness Pal
I have a "Biggest Loser" style challenge going on Facebook, and it starts on September 10th. This is round 3 for me, and I need to do well this time, especially since I am the one who started this! (By the way, if you're reading this, you're a woman, you have at least 30 pounds to lose, and you're on Facebook, we'd love to have you join us!!!)
So, back to the reason for this post. I have just discovered "My Fitness Pal", and app for iPhone, that allows me to track my calories in and calories out (exercise), based on my weight, height, gender, and age. That photo you see above is actually my breakfast entry for today.
The thing that I got really excited about as I did this for the first time today, is the fact that you can SCAN the barcode on a container of yogurt, and it will put in ALL of the information FOR you! You don't have to type all that stuff in and try to find which yogurt is yours! I'm SO excited about this, because it means this could be a LOT easier than doing WW online! Well, except for the fact that I do a LOT of our family cooking from scratch. I guess that's still going to be tough, but instead of typing on my tiny iPhone keys, I can enter everything online too. Pretty cool!
This app shows how many calories I've used, and how many I have left for the day, based on the number of calories I should be eating to hit my goal weight by a certain time. I haven't done this yet, but I can enter my exercise, and it will show me how many calories I burned for however long I did the exercise.
I'm thinking this could be a GREAT tool in finally helping me to get into a weight loss way of life! What do you think? Do you use any weight loss apps on your smart phone? Please share!
By the way, I am not being paid by My Fitness Pal or Apple, to do this "review".
Have a blessed day!
Mama Bear
Sunday, August 28, 2011
How to Butter a Pan Without Mess!
When you're done buttering the pan, just turn the bag, butter and all, right side out, zip the bag, and store the butter in your fridge for the next time you need to butter a pan (or for your next big bowl of popcorn!)
Mama Bear
Thursday, August 25, 2011
A Longer Life for Berries
Katie from FoodLush blog says this:
When you get your berries home, prepare a mixture of one part vinegar (white or apple cider probably work best) and ten parts water. Dump the berries into the mixture and swirl around. Drain, rinse if you want (though the mixture is so diluted I find you can't taste the vinegar,) and pop in the fridge.
The vinegar kills any mold spores and other bacteria that might be on the surface of the fruit, and voila! Raspberries will last a week or more, and I've had strawberries go almost two weeks without getting moldy and soft. So go forth and stock up on those pricey little gems, knowing they'll stay fresh as long as it takes you to eat them.
I tried this with a 2 lb. package of blueberries that I had purchased. I actually did it about 2-3 days AFTER I bought the berries, and it STILL worked! Those are the berries, up there in that photo...being "dunked" in the vinegar water. That was on August 15th. We ate the last of the berries (of which about 99% of them were still yummy and plump!) on Monday night, August 22nd! Imagine berries lasting for over a week in your fridge! The things you can learn on Pinterest!
Mama Bear