I haven't posted in awhile. Not because I don't have anything to say. That would pretty much never be the case. Instead, it's because I have SO much going on right now, that this seemed like one of the things I could let go without a negative effect.
So what's been going on since I last posted? Well, Brother Bear got his green belt in jiujitsu. He's been taking classes for nearly 3 years now, and we think his instructor is great. Brother Bear is in a class with kids who are 7-12 I think, and he towers above everyone, but because of his special needs, that's where he fits right now. His instructor is very cool and works with Brother Bear on a personal basis. We are so proud of Brother Bear! He's gotten a lot stronger, and has been able to learn balance a lot easier. Having had strokes that parazlyed his entire right side, he was often off balance, and was falling a LOT. He has learned how to fall in jiujitsu, and it has helped him when he does fall. It's been so good for him.
Baby Bear is still taking his ST, PT, and OT classes twice a week. I go with him to those classes, and I am right there with him as he learns and works. Sometimes I get frustrated because he doesn't obey, and just wants to do his own thing. There are only 3 other kids in his class, and the classes are only 1-1/2 hours a day, twice a week. BUT, the other three kids are all girls, so go figure. He wants to see what they're doing.
Oh, and Baby Bear has also gotten into this whining thing lately, which is new for him. It tends to get on my nerves, because he can be in the middle of doing something, and all of a sudden he will cry out. I don't know if it's weariness, or frustration or what, but I'm not sure how to handle it. He's still taking two naps most days, but we will be changing that soon. He has speech delays, so I think he may be frustrated with the fact that he can't express himself the way he wants to.
Papa Bear's workplace is in the middle of a small uproar. Their union contract expired a week and a half ago, and they're threatening to strike. I don't think they will. I think it's a little silly to even think about striking right now when the economy is so bad. I know we can't afford to go for a week with no pay because of a strike. I also know that Papa Bear would cross the line, because of his convictions and his commitment to Christ Jesus. It's a long story that I won't go into, but I totally support him 100%.
We have been searching for a larger home to rent for oh, about the past 3 years! Our lease was up last Sept. at our apartments, and they never had us re-sign, even though we asked them a few times about it. So we thought we'd look. Trouble is, most people want about $2500 to $3000 for a security deposit. Then there's the first month's rent, and sometimes the last. Hubby's company was supposed to get their annual bonus, but this year didn't receive it, because of the economy. That bonus would've been about $3000...a deposit! So we are trying diligently to save up every little penny to work towards a good amount for a deposit. We have looked at a couple of places in the past few weeks. One looked VERY promising, but the rent was just a little too high for us. We could've done it, but not easily. We would've had to rob Peter to pay Paul, and we would've been stretched to the limit too often. But we know that God is good, and He has a plan for us. Even though we REALLY liked that place, and it was only 4/10ths of a mile from Brother Bear's high school, the kitchen was tiny. Seriously. Like about the size of our kitchen in our 1100 sq. foot apt.! The rest of the house was pretty much just about perfect. God knows what we need, and He knows what we want, including a big yard, and a fairly good sized kitchen. A short commute, and not having to change schools with Brother Bear. He knows, and He will supply. We are completely trusting in Him, and we are at such peace about it all.
Besides, we just got a phone call from our apartment leasing office, saying that they would knock our lease down by $150. Praise God! Guess where that extra $150 is going? Yep! Towards our little nest egg for when we find a bigger place. We have to sign a 6 month lease, but we're ok with that. Especially since there's a pool here, and the warm weather is coming.
God is so good. He supplies all of our needs. I have been racking my brain, and talking over and over with Papa Bear about what I can do to increase my income from my Etsy shops. We have even thought about putting an ad in a local parent magazine. That would cost just under $500. Do we do it? Or do we just trust that God will bring us all the business we need? Do we fret and worry about it? It surely won't add a single day to our lives. Do we try to manipulate things to work the way we want? NO! We can do that, but ultimately God's plan is SO much better than ours. And just the very next day after talking about taking the ad out, I got close to $200 in orders and ad space sales!!! See? He IS GOOD!
Alright, I know this was long, but I had to make up for lost time. I hope all is going well with you. I'd love to hear from you, so please feel free to leave your comment below.
God bless!
Mama Bear