Twittermoms (Click on the word to find out how you can enter to win.) has announced that
Samsung Home Appliances is giving away a brand new washer and dryer, and they are asking the question, "Where Is the Heart of Your Home?" Here's my answer:
The heart of my home is anywhere where I am, or where my husband and I are, it seems. We live in a very small apartment with our teenage son and toddler son. Our kitchen is teeny, but it never fails, that when I am in there fixing dinner, everyone seems to somehow gravitate into the kitchen. It's rather comical at times; our teenage son is putting away clean dishes, my husband is washing dishes or helping get dinner ready, and sure enough, the little guy has to come in and hang on to our legs, or sit down in the middle of the kitchen floor with the "toy of the hour". Our kitchen floor is only about 5-1/2 feet by about 5 feet!
If my husband and I are in our bedroom, folding clothes, the boys want to come back there, and be right there with us. Trust me when I say that I'm not complaining! Our teenage son is closing in on 16 (next week), and for him to prefer hanging out with Mom and Dad, to closing himself up in his room, doing his own thing, is awesome! We love it!
If I am working at the computer during the day, our little guy has to be close by. Even if he is 10 feet away, playing in the living room, he has to run over and check in and get a hug every now and then. Both boys want to hang out right by me, no matter what is going on.
We have said before that if we ever DO have a big house, it will not be the same, because there will be so much more room for us all to spread out, and be in our own space.
So I guess you could say the "heart of our home" is wherever family is...and I wouldn't want it any other way!
Now, if you want me to win this washer and dryer, I hope that you will leave a comment...because "she who has the most comments wins"!
Have a blessed day!